Local Service

Foster Care Agencies
Foster kids have so many changing scenarios- not just their location and family, but their culture, food, school, clothes, sleep schedule, and so many other aspects of day-to-day life. A consistent yoga practice teaches them to be grounded when everything around them feels out of control (including their emotions)… they can come back to their breath.
It’s life-giving and stabilizing.

Addiction Recovery
Once patients give yoga a chance, they find it to be an amazing part of their healing and recovery journey. Word has gotten around how beneficial the practice is, so (the yoga teacher) rarely has to convince anyone to participate.
Yoga provides an opportunity for patients to try something new, get physical exercise, meditate, work towards goals, and learn a healing skill they can take with them and continue once they complete an inpatient program.
Providing practices, tips, activities, and habits that patients can continue to do throughout their lives to aid their recovery is essential to holistic treatment.
"I am a left below-the-knee amputee due to a work accident in 2015. For the next 12 months, I chose to abuse alcohol and drugs to deal with the loss of my limb. In 2016, my mental anguish was finally so great that I admitted myself to treatment. During my 28 days in a local Recovery Center, I was introduced to Yoga as part of my weekly case plan. I will never forget my very first class. I WAS ABSOLUTELY AGAINST IT. THERE WAS NO WAY MY HUGE EGO WAS ALLOWING ME TO GET ON THAT FLOOR WITH THE CLASS. So I entered the room where there was aromatherapy and candles lit & I said, 'Hello, I'm sorry but I won't be able to attend your class today. I only have one leg.”
(The teacher) responded, 'Have you ever seen online videos of amputees doing yoga?'... I answered, 'No.' She said, 'Have a seat on your mat. I want you to see this.' After I watched on her phone for a couple of minutes, I decided to stay for practice. For the first time, I practiced yoga as best I could. The peace and calm I experienced that hour was amazing. I couldn't wait for the following week to practice again!
Since leaving treatment, I've continued to practice yoga with (her). What an amazing experience it's been so far! I have such gratitude that I am able to stand on 2 feet and practice while growing closer to my (Higher Power). Thanks be to GOD for doing for me what I couldn't do for myself on the day I was first introduced to yoga. With yoga as a part of my Recovery Plan, I've learned to be more transparent with my needs, to rely on God, and to let go of my pride. With God All Things Are Possible... HE WILL ALWAYS FIND A WAY!!!” ~Steve,

Assisted Living Centers
Seniors can greatly benefit from chair yoga. The physical aspects of stretching and muscle-building, combined with breath work and meditation, have proven to be most beneficial above many other activities for seniors. It involves movements that are designed to improve flexibility and range of motion. Chair yoga participants learn to safely focus on breathing in an attempt to gain a greater sense of awareness. A resident's well-being is greatly improved by the meditative qualities of the exercise program that calm the mind.
Chair yoga improves overall health, increases relaxation and instills a sense of general well-being by stimulating the body, mind and spirit.
A recent PubMed study has shown that yoga is improving the quality of life for seniors in assisted living facilities. In light of this encouraging news, activity directors at assisted living facilities are encouraged to incorporate yoga into their programs.